

ATUALIZAÇÃO AZAMERICA S912_V2.3.6 19/01/2013

Anônimo | 01:13:00 | 0 comentários


- Implementação do Dailymotion

- Implementação do modo Flash Config na atualização.
Este modo lê o arquivo iks_key.cfg e importa dados de NEWCAMD, CCCAM e AZCAMD. Vejam descrição e exemplo prático com as 3 linhas possíveis.

Descrição do arquivo:
IKS_key.cfg format explanation
NE: URL Port Port Username Password DES_KEY
* --- NE: NEWCAMD account
* --- URL: NEWCAMD server web url address. Max length is 64;
* --- Port: NEWCAMD server port. Max length is 5;
* --- Port: NEWCAMD server port. Max length is 5;
* --- Username: account username. Max length is 32;
* --- password: account password. Max length is 32;
* --- DES_KEY: 14 DES key. Normally it is always as 0102030405060708091011121314
CC: URL Port Username Password
* --- C: CCCAM account
* --- URL: CCCAM server web url address. Max length is 64;
* --- Port: Max length is 5;
* --- Username: account username. Max length is 32;
* --- password: account password. Max length is 32;

AZ: KEY_High KEY_Low
* --- A: AZCAMD account
* --- KEY_High: 16 digits of login username
* --- KEY_Low: 16 digits of login password

Exemplo do arquivo:
NE: www.newcamdtest13.com 32123 32123 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting GRÁTIS 32123 32123 end_of_the_skype_highlighting username11 password11 0102030405060708091011121314
CC: www.cccamtest1.com 12345 cccamusername1 password1
AZ: 1111222233334444 aaaabbbbccccdddd


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